Training materials
Empirically informed resources for training sessions
Empirically informed resources for training sessions
Framework for thinking about strategies to address bias (blank) (PNG, 21KB)
Framework for thinking about strategies to address bias (populated with examples) (PNG, 61KB)
Scenarios for discussion:
Scenarios for discussion:
Draft paper on confronting bias in judging
Draft paper on confronting bias in judging
Slides from the ‘What works?‘ workshop:
Slides from the ‘What works?‘ workshop:
Jules Holroyd on what we know and what we don’t know about implicit bias training (PPT, 68KB)
Tom Stafford on what bias is (PDF, 1.4MB)
Jules Holroyd on the aims of implicit bias training (PPT, 1.2MB)
Please feel free to download and use these materials.
We would like to hear about your experiences of using these resources. Please contact us with any feedback.